
Introduction #

Not all of your data comes from database, some may come from your application itself in form of array. ArrayDataSource helps you to source those data to produce data analysis and report.

Settings #

classstringMust set to '\koolreport\datasources\ArrayDataSource'
dataarrayarray()Contain data in array
dataFormatstring"associate"You can set value either "table" or "associate".

Methods #

load(array $data, $format = "associate")ArrayDataSourceThis allow us to load an array in the setup() function of KoolReport. This load() function support both type of table format "associate" and "table"

Example #

Associate data format:

class MyReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport
    public function settings()
        return array(
                        array("customerName"=>"Johny Deep","dollar_sales"=>100),
                        array("customerName"=>"Angelina Jolie","dollar_sales"=>200),
                        array("customerName"=>"Brad Pitt","dollar_sales"=>200),
                        array("customerName"=>"Nocole Kidman","dollar_sales"=>100),

Table format:

class MyReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport
    public function settings()
        return array(
                    "dataFormat"=>"table", //Table data format
                        array("Johny Deep",100),
                        array("Angelina Jolie",200),
                        array("Brad Pitt",200),
                        array("Nocole Kidman",100),

Get started with KoolReport

KoolReport will help you to construct good php data report by gathering your data from multiple sources, transforming them into valuable insights, and finally visualizing them in stunning charts and graphs.