DrillDown Package

Overview #

DrillDown is a powerful report type in data analysis. It allows your data to summarize in highest level then break down to smaller one. All level break-down data can be visualized in charts or tables for your better understanding of data.

This package contains 3 different widgets: DrillDown, CustomDrillDown and MultiView.

Note: We have another LegacyDrillDown which is the old version of DrlllDown. We have re-worked on the DrillDown to make it better and more flexible. So if you the old drilldown, please rename your DrillDown to LegacyDrillDown, everything will works as before.

Installation #

By downloading .zip file #

  1. Download zip file from My Licenses
  2. Unzip
  3. Copy the folder drilldown into koolreport folder, it will look like below:
├── core
├── drilldown

By composer #

If you have purchased the package then you can follow these steps to install

  1. Login to koolreport.com
  2. Go to My Licenses
  3. Click Get Token For Composer button
  4. Copy the text and save to file auth.json next to composer.json
  5. Add the repositories to composer.json like below
  6. Run composer update to install package



Your auth.json will look like this:

    "http-basic": {
        "repo.koolreport.com": {
            "username": "your@email.com",
            "password": "your-secret-token"

Note: Please add your auth.json to .gitignore as it contains your secret login information.

Get started with KoolReport

KoolReport will help you to construct good php data report by gathering your data from multiple sources, transforming them into valuable insights, and finally visualizing them in stunning charts and graphs.