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The Best MySQL Chart

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Looking for great charts to visualize your MySQL data?

KoolReport contains the most powerful chart library, Google Chart. We wrapped the Google Chart library in a very intuitive PHP interface so that you can easily create all kinds of chart in just few lines of code. As a result, you will save huge amount. That's awesome, isn't it?

Simply download KoolReport and you have amazing chart library to use. Line chart, Bar chart, Pie chart and more complicated chart like OrgChart, Map, GeoChart are all available.

If you do not like the built-in Google Chart, we have several alternatives for you such as ChartJS, Morris Chart, Sparklines. Check them out!

KoolReport is an open-source reporting framework. It will have you to ease the reporting tasks.It is able to connect to various datasources such as MySQL, SQL Server. Data after retrieved from sources can be further processed before visualized using table, charts and graphs.

Get Started with KoolReport Now!

#269 opened on May 5, 2018 by Victor Garcia with last post of Sebastian Morales
ChartJS Height help needed
#331 opened on Jun 22, 2018 by Keith Burke with last post of Daniel Cordeiro
Gauge Chart Not Display help needed solved
#505 opened on Oct 30, 2018 by Mazmur with last post of KoolReport
#450 opened on Sep 7, 2018 by mike with last post of mike
#300 opened on May 29, 2018 by mohammed with last post of David Winterburn
#363 opened on Jul 11, 2018 by Jure Zakrajsek with last post of KoolReport