Overview #
In this section, we would like to show you how to extend KoolReport to meet your own needs. Basically there are FOUR(4) areas you can extend in KoolReport: creating a new datasource, building a new process, making new widget and constructing new service.
Create new datasource #
We have provided a list of datasources to connect to most common databases and external sources like CSV or Excel. However in some cases, you need your own datasource. For example, you may need a data source to connect to your REST API.
Learn to create new datasource
Create new process #
Overall, we have had about over 30 most common data processes. This list of processes comes from our previous experience of building report as well as from our customers' real case of usage. In this section, we would like to show you how to create your own reusable process which can be used in any of your reports.
Create new widget #
Report's widgets are vast area which contain table, charts, graphs, input controls ... virtually anything you see on your report. The widget normally work with dataStore as source to visualize data. In KoolReport, we have create many widget packages as you may name: D3, ChartJs, Inputs. In this section, we will guide you how to create your own widget.
Create new service #
Service can help to extend functionality of your report. Also it can intercept report's events within report and change behaviors.
Get started with KoolReport
KoolReport will help you to construct good php data report by gathering your data from multiple sources, transforming them into valuable insights, and finally visualizing them in stunning charts and graphs.